'Shuumatsu Gaiden' Genshin Impact hidden achievement guide

Shuumatsu Gaiden is a secret achievement in Genshin Impact, locked behind multiple daily resets. With no hints from the game, players need to find Tattered Notes inside a Fatui Camp in Inazuma.

After they recover the note, gamers can start the first day of the hidden quest. Then, for four days (real-time), one needs to pull a fortune slip in Grand Narukami Shrine and defeat enemies at the marked locations. Here is how players can obtain Shuumatsu Gaiden achievement in Genshin Impact.

How to get Fortune Slip achievement 'Shuumatsu Gaiden' in Genshin Impact

Tattered Notes inside a Fatui camp (Image via Genshin Impact)
Location of the note on the map (Image via Genshin Impact)

The first thing players need to do is teleport to a waypoint in Araumi and glide east until they see Fatui enemies on top of a cliff. Defeat those enemies and inspect their camp. There will be a Tattered Note that hints at pulling a fortune slip in Grand Narukami Shrine.

Choose the second dialogue option (Image via Genshin Impact)

Teleport to Grand Narukami Shrine and pull a fortune slip at a booth where Gendou Ringo is located. Once picking up a slip, talk to Ringo and choose the second dialog option, "In the middle of a hazy night.”

Image of a location in Inazuma (Image via Genshin Impact)

Ringo will give back a paper with a picture of a site somewhere in Inazuma. Find the place and defeat the group of enemies present.

Players need to pull the fortune slip for four days (real-time). Only on the fourth day, will they get the fortune slip achievement, 'Shuumatsu Gaiden.’

1) Underground cave under Inazuma City

The first day location is in the underground cave under Inazuma City (Image via miHoYo)

For the first day, defeat Fatui enemies in the underground cave under Inazuma City. Once all opponents are dealt with, wait until the next day to pull the next fortune slip.

2) Southwest of Kujou Encampment

Second day's location (Image via miHoYo)

The second location is southwest of Kujou Encampment, where the enemy is Kairagi: Dancing Thunder.

3) Underground cave under Inazuma City

Third day's location (Image via miHoYo)

The third day's location is also in the underground cave under Inazuma City. This location is very close to the first one, so players won't miss it.

4) South of Jakotsu Mine

The first location for the fourth day (Image via miHoYo)

There will be two locations that players need to go to on the fourth day. The first location is south of Jakotsu Mine. There will be a shining item on the ground, and players need to investigate the item before going to the second location.

5) West of Jakotsu Mine

The second location for the fourth day (Image via miHoYo)

The second location for the fourth day is at the shoreline west of Jakotsu Mine, and is the last fortune slip location.

Investigate the fortune slip booth (Image via miHoYo)

After defeating the enemies in the fourth location, teleport back to the Grand Narukami Shrine. Upon reaching the fortune slip booth, investigate the site to receive 'A Note Left by Someone.’

The location indicated by A Note Left by Someone (Image via miHoYo)

'A Note Left by Someone' marks a spot on the map. Teleport to the domain waypoint and head east to reach the broken bridge. Upon reaching the shining spot, a cutscene will start, and players will receive the fortune slip achievement 'Shuumatsu Gaiden.’

Although the hidden quest is time-gated by daily refresh and takes four days to complete, players can obtain a Luxurious Chest once it is completed. The reward alone makes the experience and hard work worth it.

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