Numerator 1 | |
Denominator 1 |
Numerator 2 |
Denominator 2 |
Numerator 1 * Denominator 2 = Denominator 1 * Numerator 2
Numerator 2 = | Numerator 1 * Denominator 2 |
Denominator 1 |
t = | 5.6 * 4.8 |
4.9 |
t = | 26.88 |
4.9 |
t = 5.4857142857143
t = 5.4857142857143
Free Proportion Calculator - 1) Calculates the missing link of 2 equivalent proportions or ratios.
2) Also determines if two numerical proportions that you entered such as 1/10=6/12 are equivalent or not equivalent. Note: You can use all allowable operators such as =,<,≤,>,≥
This calculator has 4 inputs.
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